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Otoplasty in India

Ear Operation in India, medically termed Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the size, shape or position of the ear. This surgical reshaping of the outer ear aims at improving the appearance or correcting the deformity.

Why Undergo Otoplasty in India?

The pinna (or Auricle) or outer ear plays a minor role in hearing. When the angle of the outer ear is more than 35 degrees they appear to stick out. Having a prominent ear sometimes leads to embarrassment and affects self-confidence. This type of deformity is known as bat ears.

There are various reasons why a person has protruding ears, such as:

  •  When pinna has too much cartilage also called as overdevelopment of cartilage, then there are chances of having a prominent ear

  •  Having an injury to the ears can also lead to prominent ears

  •  During the underdevelopment of cartilage, the top of the ear does not fold properly leading to the ear sticking outward instead

Types of Otoplasty

There are three main types of Otoplasty:

  •  Ear Reduction: The large ears are called macrotia, the ear reduction reduces the pinna when they are too big

  •  Ear Augmentation: This type is done when the pinna is underdeveloped or non-existent

  •  Otopexy: When a person has flattened ears

What is the Surgical Procedure for Otoplasty?

During the surgery, intravenous sedation is supplemented with local anaesthesia or a nerve block is given. But in children, general anaesthesia is used. Behind the ear, an incision is made. And then excess cartilage and skin are being removed. After that, the ear is folded into a proper position and given a proper shape. The surgery almost lasts for one to two hours.

Behind the ear, there is a thin scar that fades with time and is not noticeable. Even though this surgery has very fewer complications, infection, bleeding, recurrence and suture complications can occur. These minor complications get cured with time and the queries can be discussed with the surgeon before the surgery.

Recovery and After-Effects

The ear is covered with bandages after the successful Ear Operation in India for protection and support. The best doctors at Golden Aesthetics would prescribe you pain medications to avoid discomfort and pain.

You might be recommended to keep the pressure off the ears and avoid sleeping at the side where surgery is being done. Your bandages would be removed a few days after the surgery. The ears might look swollen and red but that goes with time. To keep your ear pulling from forward you might be asked to cover it with the loose headband at night for about two to six weeks. The changes in the ear are permanent and can be seen weeks after the surgery.

Choosing a Surgeon

To undergo Otoplasty, you might like to connect with a surgeon who has experience. Hence, contact Golden Aesthetics’ Dr. Harkirandeep Singh, one of the best surgeons for Otoplasty surgery in India having experience of more than 6 years. Visit him for a safe and successful procedure with high satisfaction rates.