Liposuction surgery everything you want to know

Liposuction surgery

By : Admin

Posted: 2021-08-09

Nowadays almost every person is upset with excess fat due to a poor lifestyle and food. Where on one hand, exercise is done to remove this fat and follow a special diet. On the other hand, some people use liposuction Surgery to overcome their problems. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery with the help of which the fat present in the body is removed.

With the help of this surgery, fat is reduced by reducing or reducing fat. This surgery is better for those who have very tight skin and normal weight. Liposuction surgery is used to remove fat from many parts of the body. This includes the cheeks, chin, abdomen, chest, waist, ax, upper arm, calf, ankle, inner knee, etc. Today this surgery has become very popular among people because it is done at a very low cost. It also helps in making the body attractive and beautiful.

Why do you need Liposuction surgery?

This is why almost all celebrities use this surgery to remove their fat. If you have excess fat in a particular part of your body, then after consulting a doctor, you can also remove it through this surgery. But you should keep in mind that this surgery is not for eliminating obesity or treating obesity. It is used to remove fat from the part of the body that does not reduce even after exercising or paying special attention to the diet.

Therefore, do not take it as a permanent cure for obesity. If you want to keep yourself fit after surgery, pay special attention to your diet, and do regular exercise as per the need. Because after performing liposuction surgery there is a possibility of an increase in the remaining fat cells in the body. The expert says that the maximum weight after liposuction surgery is 8-10 kg.

Liposuction Surgery is performed in several ways. It completely depends on the needs of the patient. This includes suction-assisted liposuction, ultrasound liposuction UAL, power-assisted liposuction, twin cannula-assisted liposuction, external ultrasound-assisted liposuction, water-assisted liposuction, treatment liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction.

Types of liposuction

Types of liposuction

First, the surgeon marks the areas to be treated, that is, the areas where the fat has accumulated, and then, through small incisions in these areas, inserts a hollow tube, called a cannula, through the incisions into the layer of fat. The cannula is connected to a vacuum on the other side, which sucks out the liquefied fat.

Before suctioning, the fat cells must be detached from each other and the surrounding tissue. The surgeon may use various techniques such as ultrasound, vibration, laser light, and saline to accomplish this. According to this following are various types of liposuction:

1. Tumescent liposuction

In this method, a large amount of a solution is injected before the suction is applied. The solution generally contains a mixture of lidocaine, epinephrine, and saline. The solution causes the blood vessels to contract, reduces blood loss during the procedure, and decreases pain and swelling after the procedure.

This solution liquefies the fat and makes it easy to suction out. The saline solution breaks down the fat deposits. After injecting the solution, the doctor makes small incisions around the area to be treated and inserts a cannula connected to a suction machine. With a back and forth motion, the fat is sucked out and deposited in a collection system. After the procedure, an elastic compression garment is worn to allow the skin to contract.

2. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)

This method uses ultrasound vibrations to break up the fatty tissue and detach it from the surrounding tissue.

3. Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL)

This method, also known as laser lipo, uses laser energy to break up fat cells. The main difference between these procedures is only the method of fat liquefaction. After liquefaction, the fat cells are suctioned out. This surgery can also be classified according to the area to be treated, for example, liposuction - abdomen, arms, thighs, breast for men, breast for women, buttocks, chin, cheeks, back, etc.

Liposuction - one area: Fat is removed from a specific area of the body like thighs, chin, cheeks, butt etc.

Liposuction-belly: Fat is removed from the abdominal area. 


How do you prepare for liposuction?

Before undergoing liposuction, you should choose your surgery center or hospital carefully. The first step before surgery is a consultation with your surgeon. Talk about your expectations, ask about procedures, duration, results, precautions, cost, recovery time, hospital stay, and any questions you would like to ask about the surgery.

The surgeon may ask about your allergies, alcohol and smoking habits, drugs, medications, and supplements (be sure to tell your surgeon about all medications and supplements you are taking, including herbal ones). The surgeon will recommend that you stop taking certain pain medications and blood thinners. The doctor will explain all aspects of the surgery to you before actually performing it.

What happens after liposuction?

Thanks to modern liposuction techniques, swelling, trauma, and discomfort after surgery are reduced. Depending on the type of procedure, you may be able to leave the hospital on the day of surgery. Bruising, swelling, and pain will persist for a few weeks. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication. Depending on the extent of fat removal, you may be able to return to your daily tasks after just a few days.

Your doctor will prescribe a compression garment for you to wear for a few weeks after surgery. It reduces swelling and provides contraction of the skin. Sometimes, fluid may leak from incision wounds for days (usual liposuction with a tummy tuck). To treat this leakage, doctors may insert drainage tubes to drain the fluid from the wound.

Liposuction surgery everything you want to know


Nowadays Liposuction surgery has become popular among people. People are increasingly using this surgery to enhance their beauty and make the body attractive. It benefits patients mentally and physically. But along with its many benefits, it also has some disadvantages i.e. side effects. If you are thinking about using this surgery to reduce fat from your body, then visit a doctor and talk about it in detail and then move on.